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knowingly and wilfully中文是什么意思

用"knowingly and wilfully"造句"knowingly and wilfully"怎么读"knowingly and wilfully" in a sentence


  • [网络] 明知并故意;明知而故意
  • "knowingly" 中文翻译 :    故意,蓄意; 会意地; 狡黠地; 在知情情况下; 知情地,故意地
  • "smile knowingly" 中文翻译 :    会意地微微一笑
  • "distort wilfully" 中文翻译 :    恣意歪曲
  • "obstruct wilfully" 中文翻译 :    故意阻挠
  • "wilfully attack" 中文翻译 :    任意打击
  • "wilfully obstruct" 中文翻译 :    横加阻挠
  • "knowingly and intentionally to attack" 中文翻译 :    蓄意和故意攻击
  • "knowingly violate the law" 中文翻译 :    知法犯法
  • "smile at each other knowingly" 中文翻译 :    相顾一笑
  • "obstruct wilfully; obstruct unreasonably" 中文翻译 :    横加阻梗
  • "wantonly [wilfully] persecute" 中文翻译 :    横加迫害
  • "wilfully caused loss" 中文翻译 :    蓄意造成的损失
  • "mary would never knowingly hurt anyone" 中文翻译 :    玛莉绝对不会故意地伤害任何人
  • "knowingness" 中文翻译 :    知道,了解
  • "knowingest" 中文翻译 :    vt. ; know的变形 ; adj. ; 有知识的,有学问的;有见识的 ; 知道的,通晓的;消息灵通的 ; 有洞察力的 ; 聪明的;精明的;机敏的 ; 会意的,心照不宣的 ; 故意的,蓄意的,成心的 ; [贬义]世故的;狡猾的;老练的 ; 自以为无所不知的 ; [口语]漂亮的,时髦的 ; n. ; 知道,知晓,认识 ; 短语: ; be knowing in ; 擅长于;精通 ; know ; [n?u] ; vt. ; 知道,了解,懂得,通晓,掌握…的知识(或技能): ; Does he know English? ; 他懂英语吗? ; I know the facts. ; 我了解事实情况。 ; He knows how to play chess. ; 他会下棋。 ; 确知,确信,确认: ; I know that he's a good man. ; 我确信他是个好人。 ; 认识;相识,结识: ; I never know such a man. ; 我从不认识这样一个人。 ; He knows my brother. ; 他认识我弟弟。 ; I know of him, but I do not know him personally. ; 我听说过他,但我并不认识他。 ; 记得,牢记,熟记,背熟: ; I know an old song about love. ; 我记得一首关于爱情的老歌。 ; The actor knows his lines by heart. ; 那位演员能够背诵自己的台词。 ; 认出,辨认出: ; I knew him for a Frenchman. ; 我认出他是一名法国人。 ; I knew him at once. ; 我立即认出了他。 ; 分辨,识别: ; You should know right from wrong. ; 你应当明辨是非。 ; 见到过;听到过[一般用于过去时或完成时]: ; I've never known him to cry. ; 我从未见过他哭泣。 ; I never knew anyone who could walk on his head. ; 我从未听说过有人能倒立着走路。 ; 对…有研究,精通: ; He knows literature. ; 他对文学很有研究。 ; 经历,经受,体验: ; He has known better days. ; 他曾过过好日子。 ; He knew poverty and sorrow. ; 他经历过穷苦日子。 ; 受…支配(或影响): ; His wrath knew no bounds. ; 他怒不可遏。 ; [古语]与…性交,与…发生性关系 ; vi. ; 知道,了解,懂得,确知,知情: ; 知道,了解,懂得,确知,知情: ; I'm not guessing, I really know. ; 我不是在猜测,我真的知道。 ; I know of its being so. ; 我知道是这样的。 ; n. ; [口语]知道,知晓,知情[主要用于习语] ; 短语: ; all one knows ; [口语] ; 全部力量,力所能及的一切 ; 竭尽全力地,尽可能地 ; before one knows where one is ; [口语]转瞬之间,极快地 ; don't I know it ; [口语]我何尝不知道[表示无可奈何的认可] ; don't you know ; [口语][用作插入语]你也知道;你是知道的,不是吗? ; Do you know something? ; 让我告诉你,听我说;要不要我把真相告诉你? ; for all someone knows ; [口语] ; 据某人所知 ; 说不定…,…也未可知 ; I don't know. ; [口语] ; [表示惊讶]会有这种事?真没想到! ; 很难说… ; I know (what). ; 我有一个想法;我有主意了。 ; I knew it. ; 我早就知道事情会是这样。 ; I know just how it is. ; [用以表示关切、同情等]我知道这是怎么回事(或这有多难)。 ; in the know ; [口语]熟悉内幕(或内情)的,知情的 ; I want to know! ; [美国口语][表示惊讶]真想不到!会有这种事? ; I wouldn't know. ; [美国英语]我不知道。 ; know a hawk from a handsaw ; 见 hawk ; know all the answers ; 见 answer ; know apart ; 区分,区别,辨别 ; know as ; 称为 ; know a thing or two ; 见 thing1 ; know best ; 是最好的指导者,最具权威性 ; know better (than) ; 明白事理,很懂得(而不至于…);不至于蠢到… ; 学聪明些,不再上当 ; know by name ; 见 name ; know by sight ; 见 sight ; know different ; 所掌握的情况大不一样,见解大相径庭 ; know how ; 懂得怎么做 ; know not ; [古语]不知道,不了解 ; know one's business ; 见 business ; know one's goods ; 见 goods ; know one's onions ; = know the ropes ; know one's own mind ; 见 mind ; know one's stuff ; 见 stuff ; know something backwards ; 见 backwards ; know something (或 someone) from A to Z ; 对…一清二楚,了如指掌[亦作 know something (或 someone) as beggar knows his bay] ; know something (或 someone) like the back (或 palm) of one's hand ; 见 back (或 palm) ; know the ropes ; 见 rope ; know the time of day ; 见 time ; know through and throught ; 非常熟悉,精通 ; know what it is ; 知道是怎么回事,深知其中滋味 ; 经历过,遭受过 ; know what one is about ; 办事精明,有足够的判断力和经验应付(困难等) ; know what one's talking about ; 凿凿有据地讲话 ; know what's what ; 有分辨能力;内行,懂行;有头脑(或经验),精明,老练 ; know where one stands (或 is)(with someone) ; 清楚别人如何看待自己 ; let know ; 告诉,通知 ; not if I know it ; 如果知道我就不(这样做了) ; not know enough to go in when it rains ; [美国口语]什么都不懂,糊里糊涂 ; not know somebody from Adam ; 见 Adam1 ; not know what hit one ; 被杀死,被毁掉 ; 感到惊奇,惊慌失措 ; not that I know of ; [口语]据我所知不是这样;据我所知没有 ; not that you know of ; [口语]你办不到,休要妄想 ; not want to know ; (对…)不感兴趣 ; that's all you know (about it) ; 你(对此)全然无知 ; What do you know? ; [口语] ; [表示不相信或惊讶]你看怪不怪?真想不到! ; [问候语]有什么消息? ; Who knows? ; [口语]谁知道呢? 说不定 ; Wouldn't you know? ; 真想不到!请想象一下! ; you know ; [口语][交谈时用以提醒对方的插入语] ; 你要知道 ; 你知道,你难道不知道? ; You know something (或 what)? ; = Do you know something? ; You know what he (或 it) is. ; [口语]你知道他的脾气(或它的性质) ; you never know ; [口语]很难预料,很难说 ; 变形: ; vt. ; knew ; . known ; . knowing
  • "knowingnesses" 中文翻译 :    知道,了解
  • "knowinger" 中文翻译 :    vt. ; know的变形 ; adj. ; 有知识的,有学问的;有见识的 ; 知道的,通晓的;消息灵通的 ; 有洞察力的 ; 聪明的;精明的;机敏的 ; 会意的,心照不宣的 ; 故意的,蓄意的,成心的 ; [贬义]世故的;狡猾的;老练的 ; 自以为无所不知的 ; [口语]漂亮的,时髦的 ; n. ; 知道,知晓,认识 ; 短语: ; be knowing in ; 擅长于;精通 ; know ; [n?u] ; vt. ; 知道,了解,懂得,通晓,掌握…的知识(或技能): ; Does he know English? ; 他懂英语吗? ; I know the facts. ; 我了解事实情况。 ; He knows how to play chess. ; 他会下棋。 ; 确知,确信,确认: ; I know that he's a good man. ; 我确信他是个好人。 ; 认识;相识,结识: ; I never know such a man. ; 我从不认识这样一个人。 ; He knows my brother. ; 他认识我弟弟。 ; I know of him, but I do not know him personally. ; 我听说过他,但我并不认识他。 ; 记得,牢记,熟记,背熟: ; I know an old song about love. ; 我记得一首关于爱情的老歌。 ; The actor knows his lines by heart. ; 那位演员能够背诵自己的台词。 ; 认出,辨认出: ; I knew him for a Frenchman. ; 我认出他是一名法国人。 ; I knew him at once. ; 我立即认出了他。 ; 分辨,识别: ; You should know right from wrong. ; 你应当明辨是非。 ; 见到过;听到过[一般用于过去时或完成时]: ; I've never known him to cry. ; 我从未见过他哭泣。 ; I never knew anyone who could walk on his head. ; 我从未听说过有人能倒立着走路。 ; 对…有研究,精通: ; He knows literature. ; 他对文学很有研究。 ; 经历,经受,体验: ; He has known better days. ; 他曾过过好日子。 ; He knew poverty and sorrow. ; 他经历过穷苦日子。 ; 受…支配(或影响): ; His wrath knew no bounds. ; 他怒不可遏。 ; [古语]与…性交,与…发生性关系 ; vi. ; 知道,了解,懂得,确知,知情: ; 知道,了解,懂得,确知,知情: ; I'm not guessing, I really know. ; 我不是在猜测,我真的知道。 ; I know of its being so. ; 我知道是这样的。 ; n. ; [口语]知道,知晓,知情[主要用于习语] ; 短语: ; all one knows ; [口语] ; 全部力量,力所能及的一切 ; 竭尽全力地,尽可能地 ; before one knows where one is ; [口语]转瞬之间,极快地 ; don't I know it ; [口语]我何尝不知道[表示无可奈何的认可] ; don't you know ; [口语][用作插入语]你也知道;你是知道的,不是吗? ; Do you know something? ; 让我告诉你,听我说;要不要我把真相告诉你? ; for all someone knows ; [口语] ; 据某人所知 ; 说不定…,…也未可知 ; I don't know. ; [口语] ; [表示惊讶]会有这种事?真没想到! ; 很难说… ; I know (what). ; 我有一个想法;我有主意了。 ; I knew it. ; 我早就知道事情会是这样。 ; I know just how it is. ; [用以表示关切、同情等]我知道这是怎么回事(或这有多难)。 ; in the know ; [口语]熟悉内幕(或内情)的,知情的 ; I want to know! ; [美国口语][表示惊讶]真想不到!会有这种事? ; I wouldn't know. ; [美国英语]我不知道。 ; know a hawk from a handsaw ; 见 hawk ; know all the answers ; 见 answer ; know apart ; 区分,区别,辨别 ; know as ; 称为 ; know a thing or two ; 见 thing1 ; know best ; 是最好的指导者,最具权威性 ; know better (than) ; 明白事理,很懂得(而不至于…);不至于蠢到… ; 学聪明些,不再上当 ; know by name ; 见 name ; know by sight ; 见 sight ; know different ; 所掌握的情况大不一样,见解大相径庭 ; know how ; 懂得怎么做 ; know not ; [古语]不知道,不了解 ; know one's business ; 见 business ; know one's goods ; 见 goods ; know one's onions ; = know the ropes ; know one's own mind ; 见 mind ; know one's stuff ; 见 stuff ; know something backwards ; 见 backwards ; know something (或 someone) from A to Z ; 对…一清二楚,了如指掌[亦作 know something (或 someone) as beggar knows his bay] ; know something (或 someone) like the back (或 palm) of one's hand ; 见 back (或 palm) ; know the ropes ; 见 rope ; know the time of day ; 见 time ; know through and throught ; 非常熟悉,精通 ; know what it is ; 知道是怎么回事,深知其中滋味 ; 经历过,遭受过 ; know what one is about ; 办事精明,有足够的判断力和经验应付(困难等) ; know what one's talking about ; 凿凿有据地讲话 ; know what's what ; 有分辨能力;内行,懂行;有头脑(或经验),精明,老练 ; know where one stands (或 is)(with someone) ; 清楚别人如何看待自己 ; let know ; 告诉,通知 ; not if I know it ; 如果知道我就不(这样做了) ; not know enough to go in when it rains ; [美国口语]什么都不懂,糊里糊涂 ; not know somebody from Adam ; 见 Adam1 ; not know what hit one ; 被杀死,被毁掉 ; 感到惊奇,惊慌失措 ; not that I know of ; [口语]据我所知不是这样;据我所知没有 ; not that you know of ; [口语]你办不到,休要妄想 ; not want to know ; (对…)不感兴趣 ; that's all you know (about it) ; 你(对此)全然无知 ; What do you know? ; [口语] ; [表示不相信或惊讶]你看怪不怪?真想不到! ; [问候语]有什么消息? ; Who knows? ; [口语]谁知道呢? 说不定 ; Wouldn't you know? ; 真想不到!请想象一下! ; you know ; [口语][交谈时用以提醒对方的插入语] ; 你要知道 ; 你知道,你难道不知道? ; You know something (或 what)? ; = Do you know something? ; You know what he (或 it) is. ; [口语]你知道他的脾气(或它的性质) ; you never know ; [口语]很难预料,很难说 ; 变形: ; vt. ; knew ; . known ; . knowing
  • "knowings" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 知道
  • "knowing to" 中文翻译 :    vbl.知道,发觉
  • "knowl" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 知识;学问
  • "knowing the ropes" 中文翻译 :    知道内情
  • "knowlands" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 美国
  • "knowing someone" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 知道某人


  • Any person who knowingly and wilfully makes a statement or gives information which heshe knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the laws of hong kong and any entry permitvisa so issued to himher shall have no effect
  • Any person who knowingly and wilfully makes a statement or gives information which he she knows to be false or does not believe to be true shall be guilty of an offence under the laws of hong kong and any entry permit visa so issued to him her shall have no effect
  • knowingly and wilfully communicate, furnish, etc ., to an unauthorized person, or publish, or use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the us or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the us any classified information
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